Amigos Dive Center

Things to do, places to stay

Guided Dives

Connect with an experienced guide who can take you to some of our area’s seldom-seen sites and show you what you might otherwise miss. Learn more…

Nondiving Activities

You can’t spend all your time diving. Nor will non-diving friends and family members be happy if left to cool their heels on shore. Fortunately, this area is rich in things to see and do when you are not under water (or for your non-diving compatriots to do when you are diving). Learn more…

Rental Homes and Cottages

Area hotels and motels aren’t exactly cheap. And even those in “nearby” Alachua and High Springs can add another 30 minutes or more to your commute. Fortunately, you can save both time and money by taking advantage of one of our many rental homes and cottages. Learn more…